Four months later—

I haven’t fully processed that this was the last time I would stand in this particular spot and engage with this view. It hasn’t sunk in yet that I spent the last three years of my life (and this pandemic) going to college part-time and working full-time. My memory of it comes in waves. Mostly I think I’ve exhausted myself and my brain was running my body on an increasingly narrow ‘sleepmode’ schedule.

Some things I’m looking forward to doing now

  • Being more creative
  • Sitting in parks/beaches and spacing out
  • An abundance of flexible time to share with friends

I’m wanting to acknowledge life events

Regardless of their hierarchy in importance, I want to give moments a feeling of completion. I want to remember something that occurred in the day and confidently say ‘yes, that happened.’ It feels like a combination of acceptance, consent, and recognizing the limits of my boundaries. But I do think a lot about how much routine busyness is a distraction from living.

I had a conversation the other day about how in grade school, students are learning to stay at an institution for eight hours a day (I’m referencing modern Americans), preparing them/us for full-time employment. The pandemic has shaken up this routine and the people have yearned for its return but this blur of life is starting to feel absurd.

So I want to acknowledge moments more in the hopes that I don’t become resentful. That I can catch when I’m feeling restless and try to give myself more valuable stimulation.

Some moments to retroactively acknowledge:

  • I can comfortably climb V1 – V2 now. I’m currently projecting V3s.
  • I got a full-time job and it feels good to have benefits and paid time off.
  • Relatedly, launched a client’s website and though there are some bugs, I feel good about having completed that project.
  • I took my last final exam two weeks ago.
  • Making small gains in the neighborhood community third spaces like laundromats and bakeries.
  • Comfortably going outside and enjoying the sun on my skin.
  • Not going to bed after having my nervous system hijacked by social media sensationalists. 😀

Now, enjoy the media portion of this post

Photos from the street

An incredibly textured chocolate mousse dessert in the shape of a cartoon bear laying on its stomach. It is laying on a gold round disc on top of a white ceramic dish.

I tried the chocolate mousse dessert, shaped into a sleeping bear. It is definitely a photographic novelty and technically impressive. For taste, I do not recommend.

Location: 75 Degrees Cafe

An upward shot of a tree, its leaves reaching up into the almost-evening sky. The crescent moon is out and sitting in the top-right corner.
A group of celebration balloons corralled in a net. In the bottom-right are the words 'photo'.
A toilet out of the context of a bathroom and on the street, encased by lush green plants.
Still green hyacinths. In the background is a brick building and a gray sky.
Two legs crossed, the left on top of the right. Centered are a pair of tan sneakers with white socks. The ground is littered with small debris, leaves, and gum.


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6 responses to “Four months later—”

    • Oh! Gains and not games! Haha. Like I’m having more friendly acquaintance with others in the community/neighborhood


  1. Yay! Been a while. I saw your story yesterday on insta and squealed😂
    “For taste, I do not recommend.” Oh nooo💀 It’s often the case with these overly cute creations.

    And yeah, the pandemic really broke the illusion for a lot of people. So many things that we “have to do” (being in an office for 8 hrs + all the commuting) are just absolute wastes of time…

    Congrats on finishing up school and I hope things at your new job go smoothly. Here’s to living more in the moment and taking breathers.🙌

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol if you must know, that bear’s mouthfeel was grainy and too watery gelatin—pure disappointment! Not like mousse at all.

      Every time I see something as being at least 45min away on transit, I make a note that I have to be outside for at least 3-4 hours or else I’d feel like the 45min was not “worth it”. 😐

      Thank you thank you for the congratulations! 🙂


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